Thursday, March 11, 2010

Trains & Leaches

Hello everyone, here's some highlights and information on the last part of our adventure.

Day 6

Steve headed down for a spot of fishing early in the morning and Mitch followed as soon as he woke up.  It was worth the effort as they caught our first fish, a nice whiting that was lovely eating.

We tried to go swimming today, but there were way too many blue bottles so we gave it a miss.  We did venture out for some more fishing late afternoon giving the Land Cruiser its first ride on the beach. This time it was Maggie who was rewarded with a strange puffer-type fish.

It wasn't a keeper and she was happy to throw it back.  Besides, fish can't live in bug catchers.

By the end of Day 6, Stewart declared he was ready to go back to our 'normal' house now.  Oh dear, a looong way to go yet Stewie!

Day 7

We woke this morning to find Maggie and Stewart's scooters had been stolen during the night - lots of tears, particularly as Maggie only wants a Barbie scooter and we couldn't guarantee we would be able to get another one.  Quite common apparently on the weekends - young kids getting their kicks. So apart from needing to buy new scooters, we need to improve our security and buy a few chains to secure the bikes etc during the night.  Far too trusting we are!

Before going shopping, we headed off for a day of exploring some areas south of Lennox Head we hadn't visited before.  From South Ballina we caught the Burns Point vehicle ferry to South Ballina Beach - not much there except for beach (Duh!) and a couple of caravan parks.  As it's right near the mouth of the Richmond River, the water was quite murky due to all the rain.

From there we drove towards Evans Head via Broadwater National Park.  Now that was something else - a totally wild piece of the coast.  The part we went to is only accessible at low tide, otherwise you have to slide down steep sand dunes - which we did anyway as evidenced by Maggie's dirty bottom (due to all the minerals in the sand)!

Evans Head was the next stop for lunch which was eaten in the car because of the constant drizzle. This is a great little fishing town with some lovely beaches and a river for fishing.  Not as 'cosmopolitan' as Lennox Head, but still well worth a visit.

From here, back to Ballina to buy new scooters etc.  But of course, once we arrived back at the van park (with new scooters) the old ones had been found.  Apparently they were left somewhere near the park by the thieves and returned.  So then we had to convince Stewart that he couldn't have the new one, which he had grown fond of very quickly.  More tears.

The day finished for Steve and I with a fabulous feed of yabbies...have a look at these Wendy.

And that's only part of the catch.  Unfortunately, we weren't the ones who caught them.  Our neighbours in the park managed to catch a pile of them along with some bass fish.  We were very jealous, but glad they shared them with us (we taught them how to cook them).  Steve and I have now made it our mission to learn more about freshwater fishing.  We're pretty good with the salt water variety, but not so much with freshwater and there are going to be loads of opportunities to practice during the trip.

Day 8 - Lennox Head to Tenterfield

Today it was finally time to leave Lennox Head and start travelling.  The general route for the day was Lennox Head, Lismore, Casino then Tenterfield.  Here's the map:

(Click on the map and it will enlarge to give you a better idea).

After driving straight through Lismore (Steve and I have both spent time there in the past), we headed for Casino to see the Mini Railway Museum - thought that might cure a homesick little boy.  It was a heap of fun and we got to ride on two miniature 'steamies' through some wetlands, stopping at a small museum on the way.  Here's train 1:

And number two...

It was heaven for Stewie and as soon as we arrived at Tenterfield, his trains came out for another play on a spare concrete slab.  Barbie joined in the party too.

Day 9 - Tenterfield to Bald Rock National Park

We spent the morning exploring Tenterfield.  Ironically another railway museum was right on the doorstop of the caravan park so that's where we started.  It ended up taking us a few hours to cover this one as it is actually the old Tenterfield station, no longer in service, and has been maintained in all its former glory.  There were lots of carriages we could climb in and out of, the old ticket office, tool sheds, machinery sheds, tracks we could actually walk on and the highlight - a real turntable.  It was fantastic and the kids (despite the drizzle) wanted to explore every last inch of the place. Here's some shots...the breakdown crane...

...the turntable...

...making a phone call, with bug catcher (it went all over the station...just in case)...

...and lot's of machines for Stewart to dream about.

After a great start to the morning, we had a quick look around Tenterfield including the infamous Tenterfield Saddler (which was closed).

After lunch we headed towards Bald Rock National Park, just outside of the town, stopping on the way at Thunderbolt's Hideout.  Thunderbolt was a bushranger in the 1850's who used to be active in the area during his heyday.  This is granite rock country with some spectacular boulders, including his hideout, a couple of large boulders that provide a cave-like hiding spot:

Mitch was terrified Thunderbolt might make a reappearance, but we assured him otherwise.  However, what did make an appearance soon after leaving the hideout and heading towards the nearby WWII tank traps, was leaches.  They were thick and everyone, especially Steve and Mitch, got devoured.  We decided to walk to the tank traps along an obviously not regularly used path (now we know why) and it took twice as long as necessary as we had to keep stopping and pulling off the leaches.  Mitch complained the most, stopped the most and so got the most leaches.  Here's what his feet looked like (this one's for you Hannah)...

At the end of the track we saw the tank traps - a couple of logs stuck in the ground - and realised if we'd driven an kilometre up the road we could have seen them without walking through the bush!  Needless to say we were very happy about that, but at least we could walk back to the car without going back along the 'leach track'.  Here's the tank traps in case you're interested...

Arriving at our camp site for the night at Bald Rock National Park made up for the leaches.  There was only one other 'hoto motor' (that's Motorhome in Stewart speak) in the park so we basically had the place to ourselves.  Our camp site was beautiful including our very own fire place, plenty of firewood and a 'thunderbox'.  The kids got a lesson on building fires from Dad...

That's it for now - plenty more to come.  Please say hello below in the comments area. Love to all.



  1. Hello Everyone

    Dear Mitchie Boy, Maggie and Stewie

    It looks like you have been attached by a star wars figure. If you had taken your light saber you could of zapped the leeches away.

    Did Maggie collect any leeches in her bug catcher ?

    Stewie you are very lucky to see all those big trains. If you go home now you might miss seeing more trains.

    I’m going to the poo factory today. My daddy will take some pictures for you to see.

    Lots of Love
    Hannah xo xo xo xo xo

  2. Hello Everyone

    I miss you all.

    Maggie – when you went down the big sand hill it was so funny seeing your trousers so dirty..

    Mitch – When the leeches were on your feet it looked like you had been attacked by Darth Fader.

    Stewie – I liked seeing pictures of you on the trains you looked so happy.

    Steve – There was lots of smoke coming from the fire you made.

    Sam – You should be in more pictures. I miss seeing you.

    Lots of love

  3. Dear Maggie, I love Barbie and Maggie – love from Charlie
    Dear Stewie – I love seeing you on the computer – Love from Charlie
    Dear Mitch – Hannah loves you – Love from Charlie

  4. Another week full of adventure for the meandering Mcarthurs.
    Everyone was excited to see the pictures especially the one with Mitch being eaten (not sure what that says about us!)
    Maggie’s bottom got the biggest laugh.

    I was very jealous seeing those yabbies, I am sure they tasted great. Have you had any more luck fishing or crabbing ?

    Steve and Hannah have gone on the water treatment plant excursion today. So I am sure Hannah will have lots of news for you, although none of it suitable for an internet page.

    Take Care


  5. Dear Hannah, Gemma and Charlie,

    We are having a great time and love reading your comments on our blog. It makes us laugh. We miss you.

    Love Mitch, Maggie and Stewie.

  6. Hi all of you, Fleur and boys here. So I don't check your blog for a few days and wow, what you have all been up, leeches, trains, spanking new thongs(can't believe that Sam),real bush camping, more trains, museums,stolen scooters (rotten cockroaches)wow!!!! And so now how long are you in Tenterfield for. Love reading all your news, make us very envious! That huge walk sounded tiring. Luke asked was that lnger then our cross country( his only being one km)had to inform him yes. Well nothing so exciting happening here. Helped wendy make rosella jam.....I know not even close to your guys excitement but was all new to me, school cross countries (Luke came 7th out of 50 odd kids so he's very happy), Matthew thinks he nearly won (only could see a couple of kids in front of him), matthew and Gemma (well I can only say it may be love...ask wendy), ben enjoying the mud pit, homework and more boring school stuff.

    So keep your exciting news coming and I won't leave checking the blog for so many days again.

    HOpe you are all well and take care!!!!
    Lots love Luke, matt, ben(still loving sticks), Fleur and Tim xxx
