Thursday, March 4, 2010

We're off and running!

Hello everyone, here's a bit of news from the first few days of our adventure.

Day 1

D-Day (Departure Day) finally arrived last Sunday and we woke to a tsunami warning - not sure if it was a good or bad omen.  Probably no omen at all and it certainly wasn't going to stop us!  We set off (late) Sunday afternoon arriving at Lennox Head just in time to set up before dark.  We were all very excited about our first night, particularly Mitch, Maggie and Stewart who got to sleep in (actually 'on') their sleeping bags for the first time.

Here's a map showing where we travelled on Day 1:

Day 2 & 3

It rained, and rained, and rained.  But that has just meant we've had the opportunity to iron out a few more kinks in our caravanning techniques.  A little bit of rain (more like bucket loads) doesn't phase us and there has been lots of activities to keep us all occupied.  Most of these have been inside - drawing, homework, reading, playing games, watching movies and trains.

Doing Homework

Reading (in our sleeping bags)

 Playing trains

However we also managed a couple of outdoor activities when there were breaks in the rain - riding scooters and bikes, a quick swim at the beach and of course, playing light sabers...

Maggie has had a great time catching frogs in her bug catcher - there are heaps of them all around the van park, particularly beside the lake. On Monday night there were about 12 frogs bedded down together and by the morning they were getting a bit on the nose, so she kindly released them. 

 Frogs, frogs and more frogs!

On Tuesday (the wettest day) we got a visit from my brother Robert, who's building a skate park at Brunswick Heads, and had been washed out the last few days.  He was quickly grabbed by the kids to play a few board games. We all enjoyed seeing him.

While the rain was pouring down on Tuesday, Steve was busy trying to minimise water coming into the bed ends so put up a few extra tarps.  There were also a few running repairs to be done, so he got absolutely soaked.  We suspect this aspect of caravanning will be ongoing as new situations and weather conditions confront us.  It certainly makes for an interesting adventure.

Day 4

Sunshine at last! It was great to be able to get everything dry and open up the van.

We got out and about to make the most of it.  First stop for the day was Byron Bay Farmers Market for a few supplies, plus the kids enjoyed freshly crushed sugar cane juice. Yum!

The main part of Byron Bay hasn't changed since we were here 10 years ago except you have to pay for parking even to go to the beach now!  It is still a busy tourist place and you can hear accents from every part of the world.  Cool man!!!

From the markets, it was off to the Cape Byron Lighthouse.  There were plenty of dolphins in the water and we walked right to the most easterly point of the Australian Mainland.



From Byron Bay we trekked back towards Ballina to visit the Thursday Plantation, a tea tree plantation where they grow and process tea tree oil.  Of particular interest was the maze in the shape of the Southern Cross.  Of course we all got lost here but it was a lot of fun trying to find each other and our way out.

In the Tea Tree Maze
There was also lots of interesting sculptures around the plantation including these ones of Muslim women coming out of the plantation...


...or was it actually Star Wars figures (Mitch thinks so)...


The final part of the plantation was a rainforest with lots of native plants and foods growing, not to mention the mosquitos! We were nearly eaten alive.  They should have included a sample of their insect repellant at the start of the trail - it was very uncomfortable by the end.

The day finished with a swim in Lake Ainsworth (the beach was closed due to high winds and wild conditions).

That's it for now.  Please say hello below in the comments area. Love to all.



  1. Hi there Guys. Have been checking daily and was oh so excited to see you have written (obviously better things to be doing!!!!! totally get that).

    So good to see you're having a great start! Love the homework shot, and Mitch...definitely star wars creatures to Luke and Matthew as well!

    Sam, hope you have not gone over the required amount of ingredients????? Keep having an awesome time.....and Sam you should have more faith in me, writing down your blog name!!! Steve, you did say this caravan would keep you out of trouble.

    Saw Mrs Zoppi today and she said to say a big hi to you all also!!! Love to you all!! Take care but have fun!!!!! Love the Weier Fam

  2. Hi Fleur. Glad you like the shots. Have managed to limit the ingredients so far, but a few extras have inevitably slipped in. Say hi to Mrs Zoppi for us too and please pass on the blog address to others who may be interested. I just didn't get a chance to see everyone before we left. Hugs and kisses, the McArthurs.

  3. Hi Sam, Steve, Mitch, Maggie and Stewie,
    We miss you but we were very excited to read your blog. I think seeing the dolphins would be awesome. I also loved the pictures of you with your light saber.
    Did you know that all your names start with either S or M ?
    Lots of love Hannah

    Special Message to Mitch – You should fight a pole with your light saber but be careful that the pole doesn’t win. Try not to break it.

  4. Dear Maggie,

    I hope you are having a wonderful time. I miss you a lot. I love the photos. I don’t think I could touch a frog – yuck.

    Lots of love Gemma (also known as Emma)

  5. Hello Everyone,

    I was starting to get worried you had been washed away in all this rain. So it was great to see your blog. The kids loved the photos, everyone looks like they are having a great time.

    Hannah and Gemma have been complaining that every lunch and morning tea has been spent inside at school, very boring apparently. They think you are all lucky not to have been stuck inside at school.

    We have some wet mail for you that we will post on Monday. You might need to check with the post office that Lewers is included in the redirection.

    Please can you email us a list of where you are heading next since we have been reading up about the places you are visiting and are enjoying trying to guess what you’ve been up to.

    We have written some letters and Charlie has been drawing some pictures for Stewie. Unfortunately he won’t be able to draw trains until he’s four years old but he thinks Stewie will like the monsters he has done.

    Well, I will leave the rest of our news for you to enjoy in our letters when they reach you. The half brother subject has been cleared up – very funny.

    Until next time, much love

    The Thomas Family.
    What's worse than raining buckets?
    Hailing taxis!

  6. Hello Stewie,
    We have a picture of you on our computer.
    I have a picture for you on some paper.
    love Charlie

  7. Dear Everyone

    You have a great time on your holiday. Stewie I think your trains are awesome. Maggie you're a professional frog catcher. Mitch have a nice time fighting that pole. Steve your new caravan looks awesome. Sam have a good trip, have a nice time lying in the rock pools. Dad says he hopes you don't drink any of the creek water this time.

    Love Hannah

  8. Hi Everyone,

    We have also been reading your blog and can't believe the rain you guys have had already. We have nearly been washed away in Hockings Street, but nothing else exciting happening in the street. Which is probably a good thing. Keep having a great time and ghee its really quiet without the usual music and singing from Number 23.

    The Luders

  9. Hello Thomas Family - thanks for all your well wishes. We all enjoyed reading them and thankfully the creek water in NSW doesn't make you sick like in Qld. Will try to keep you posted on where we are heading - there is a lot to see and sometimes it can be hard to decide what to do as it just isn't possible to get to everything. The kids enjoyed hearing about the boring school during the rain - gave them a chuckle.

    Hello to the Luders as well - I'm sure Hockings St is not quite the same without the raging at No. 23 - we're making up for it throughout NSW, leaving our mark wherever we go!
